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English translation for "不断前进"

march on unceasingly

Related Translations:
不断干咳:  hecking cough
不断提出:  ply
不断强化:  continually strengthencontinuously strengthen
不断优化:  continue to optimizekeep optimizing
持续不断:  incessancykeeon
不断解决:  the ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution
剪不断:  running with scissors
不断胜利:  still achieving still pursuing
不断移动:  rove
不断警戒:  watch and ward
Example Sentences:
1.Hong kong is - - and has always been - - a work in progress
2.Find us farther than to - day
3.Three fine styles of work : the significant weapon for our party ' s constent progress
4.According to philosophers , society moves ( if it advances at all ) in a spiral line
哲学家认为,社会在精神层面发展(假设是不断前进) 。
5.Customer ' s 100 percent satisfaction is the motivation for the jinhongri team to keep forward
客户的100 %满意是金红日团队不断前进动力。
6.Instructors are motivated by students ' progress ; they are thus inspired for further improvement
7.Opening date , the company clung to the " honesty " to the culture and forge ahead continuously
8.The companys constant development signs innovation spirit of a mature logistics enterprise
9.We believe that our writers and artists will march forward along this road steadily and unswervingly
10.I see myself advancing as i succeed , but i don ' t necessarily dwell on the timing of each step
Similar Words:
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